Wednesday 16 December 2009

Plant Breeders automate and secure your the field!

Seed breeding is a vital science for the development of new varieties of plant.
We can provide a mechanism to automate the process of planning a breeding programme, analysing the results, and feeding those results back to strengthen future programmes.

XenBreeda has the flexibility to cater for breeders of different crop types: vegetables, agronomic crops, forage, flowers and forestry. It gives seed companies a complete view of the life-cycle of seed products.
By having visibility of the pedigree and parentage of those plants which perform well and become viable commercial products, a seed development company can focus on profitable and successful lines. This will enable them to reduce the number of dead-end breeding programmes, and shorten the time-to-market of those varieties with commercial potential.

Take this capability into the field with you, removing the difficulties and potential hazards of double entering your data:

  • Ensure the security of your valuable information
  • Provide traceability of product’s progeny and parentage.
  • Plan your breeding programmes to coincide with other activities throughout the year
For more information, please contact us

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